Saturday, September 1, 2012

Social Studies Studyvisit for activities and more
Also visit and type in Mrs. Carrasquillo for supplementary spelling vocabulary activities

Social Studies topics we are learning about:  Going to School, Rules at School, Working Together, School and Community Workers, and Map Skills.  Coming up:  Family Trees!
Each topic has a Big Idea, Vocabulary, Details,  unit projects (like a classroom scrapbook), a lesson review, main idea, biographical information, and technology and application sections as well!

Zakiah ponders a Big Idea....

Kha"Shira reads for information

Shane learns about leaders in our school and community

Christian enjoys inquiring about the new vocabulary

Casey at bat....

English Language Arts:  Audience and Purpose

Literacy WorkStations:  Writing and Illustrating to Read

Morning Meeting on Fridays:  A Time to Share and Grow Personalities and Oral Language Skills

Congrats to Student of the Week last week
Master Jordan Strickland
Great job, Jordan!!!