Sunday, August 25, 2013

Your additional links to your child's classroom:)
Welcome Parents and Students to your child's classroom experiences, circa 2013....

Single Gender Math

Indoor Recess on Rainy Days

Guided Reading and Independent Reading Practice
Students take "Book Buddies" home every night with easy-to-read books for practice and bring them back to school each day to read and read until fluency is achieved.  Students also have their own Book Baskets in their class Mailboxes to hold all the Decodables they have and still are making to help along the reading process.  Here you will see them using their very own pointers to read with; they also illustrate Decodables while practicing for fluency.  Listening as other students read is an incentive in and of itself, especially when they hear their teacher exclaim, "Ah, nice reading.  You went back and fixed that tricky part, too, didn't you!"

Single Gender Science
Plant Study
Students put in sequential order the process of growing seeds into plants
Bean seeds were planted in see-through CD cases and observed and documented during a week's time; now students will repot their seedlings into small paper cups to be placed outside to continue their growth cycle

Students are completing a Sounds/Spellings sheet to accompany their ImagineIt! reading curriculum
