More Practice with Onomatopoeia....
The "Before Easter" Egg Experiment
Students discussed what they knew about eggs...their uses and their shape, and of course, their connection to Easter. Next they went into the multi-purpose room where Ms. Chapman conducted the Experiment. Students made predictions based upon their knowledge of the egg and were given a hypothesis: that four eggs, positioned in a clay-component base, could withstand pressure of (heavy!) supplemental reading texts, up to ___ books having been placed on top of the eggs, which were positioned straight up in the clay bases. Some students said "No way!"; others said, "Maybe one book"; still others predicted 2 or 3 books placed atop the eggs still wouldn't break them; a couple students predicted that more than 4 books still wouldn't. The outcome? After the fourth book was placed atop the eggs, two of them gave way and cracked! Still, who knew that fragile eggs (uncooked of course) could hold 4 heavy textbooks?!
Happy Spring Break everyone!!! Enjoy this wonderful Intercession and get some well-deserved rest and relaxation with friends, family and loved ones:)