Wednesday, October 10, 2012

Wednesday, October 10, 2012            "The Donors Choose Campaign"

Please follow the link to to contribute so I can purchase curriculum items for our First Grade class.  The organization will match your dollar amounts!!!!

  1. Visit my page:
  2. Enter any dollar amount and click "Give"
  3. During check-out, enter the code PUMPKIN where it says "Match or gift code", and your donation will be matched dollar for dollar
  4. I'll get your gift card and use it for supplies for my students. You'll get a matching gift card, which you can send to me or apply to another project at
  5. The match code PUMPKIN will be active until 11:59pm Hawaii time on Monday, October 15

Saturday, October 6, 2012

Saturday, October 6, 2012

I have a new link for additional academic content that is currently under construction.  Over the next couple weeks you will be able to view concise academic subjects, homework and Math Facts tests online as well as student grade averages in the academic Core Subjects:)  More user-friendly for parents gleaning helpful info, and links to website recommendations for additional helpful activities will be made available.

This Blog will continue to serve as a visual framework for what students are involved in learning as well as to post my comments.  

Go to to view the newest addition!